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Ekoflush K570

partnr: 14316
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Ekoflush K570

Product information

The Ekoflush K570 and K560 flushing machines are fully automatic flushing apparatus to flush refrigerant circuits. 

As a flushing agent, the Honeywell Solstice PF-C is used. The PF-C product is a specially developd product that resembles a refrigerant with very strong cleaning properties. It is HFO based thus with a low GWP number.

The flushing machine pulses the PF-C through the system, and upon return to the machine- any and all contaminants are separated and disposed of.

Depending on the grade of contamination, the PF-C may be resused many times; thus making the process affordable for critical systems.


Larger cart type unit - suitable for larger systems.

Suiteable for systems up to 12 liter capacity

Connections: 5/8"-UNF

Power: 240/50 - 1,350 Watt (max)

Dimensions: 570 x 605 x 950 mm 

Weight: 54 kg